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Brand: Podere Giodo


From consultant winemaker to outstanding producer, the two lives marked by a passion for the vine. Carlo Ferrini is one of Italy’s best-known winemakers, boasting a professional career spanning more than 30 years throughout the peninsula, from Trentino in the north to Sicily in the south, and “wine offspring” that are among Italy’s most prestigious labels. In 2002, with the purchase of his first plot of land, Ferrini launched a new adventure, and a fresh challenge, but one that was really the fulfilment of a long-held passion.


Handing on the passion Handing on the secrets of winegrowing from generation to generation is one of the dreams of every producer. Carlo Ferrini is no exception, and the heir of his passion is his nearly 30-year-old daughter Bianca. With a past that includes water polo and professional training in agricultural science in Italy and marketing in the United States, Bianca currently addresses the full scope of the daily challenges facing the Giodo wines.


The perfect vineyards for Sangiovese The history of Giodo in Montalcino begins in 2002, when Carlo Ferrini, after years of research, finally identified his first hectare to purchase in the prestigious Brunello denomination; today, his winery, lying midway between Sant’Angelo in Colle and Sant’Antimo, relies on six hectares of vineyard. With respect to aspect, elevation, and soil types, the location is perfect for viticulture. A majestic row of cypresses beckons visitors to this near-hidden, magical spot, while the vines dedicated to Brunello di Montalcino and to IGT Toscana enjoy a breath-taking panoramic view out over the sinuous hills of Montalcino as far as the massif of Monte Amiata. The final artistic touch is the picturesque grove of olive trees that yield the Giodo Toscano IGP olive oil.


Vine of life Carlo Ferrini believes that a wine achieves true elegance only when all its components align in perfect harmony. To produce Brunello di Montalcino from his Giodo vineyards, he selected just the eight Sangiovese clones that had most impressed him over the years. He manages the vines with meticulous care, utilising sustainable practices whenever possible and exercising maximum quality-selection on the clusters.


Care and attention Every single winemaking procedure is carried out with the utmost care. Once harvested, the Sangiovese clusters are hand-sorted before the pressed grapes go to the fermenters, which have been custom-designed to preserve all the grapes’ aromas. The freshly-made wines mature in large French oak casks and are tasted on a regular basis to ensure that they achieve the desired sensory excellence.


Giodo encapsulates above all my own history with Sangiovese, my first great love. Its name is a tribute to my parents, Giovanna and Donatello, to whom I owe everything.” Carlo Ferrini Everything at Giodo is underpinned by the concept of uncompromising quality. The entire process takes its start from the selection of clones and vines that are ideal for producing wines that are elegant, well-balanced and with impressive length. Every decision, every individual detail, whether in the vineyard or the winecellar, is of the greatest importance and merits full and meticulous attention. Those small details are the indispensable tesserae that compose the mosaic that Carlo Ferrini’s experience and expertise makes absolutely unique, the creation that his extraordinary passion has successfully handed on to his daughter Bianca.

Podere Giodo


From consultant winemaker to outstanding producer, the two lives marked by a passion for the vine.

Carlo Ferrini is one of Italy’s best-known winemakers, boasting a professional career spanning more than 30 years throughout the peninsula, from Trentino in the north to Sicily in the south, and “wine offspring” that are among Italy’s most prestigious labels. In 2002, with the purchase of his first plot of land, Ferrini launched a new adventure, and a fresh challenge, but one that was really the fulfilment of a long-held passion.


Handing on the passion

Handing on the secrets of winegrowing from generation to generation is one of the dreams of every producer. Carlo Ferrini is no exception, and the heir of his passion is his nearly 30-year-old daughter Bianca. With a past that includes water polo and professional training in agricultural science in Italy and marketing in the United States, Bianca currently addresses the full scope of the daily challenges facing the Giodo wines.


The perfect vineyards for Sangiovese

The history of Giodo in Montalcino begins in 2002, when Carlo Ferrini, after years of research, finally identified his first hectare to purchase in the prestigious Brunello denomination; today, his winery, lying midway between Sant’Angelo in Colle and Sant’Antimo, relies on six hectares of vineyard. With respect to aspect, elevation, and soil types, the location is perfect for viticulture. A majestic row of cypresses beckons visitors to this near-hidden, magical spot, while the vines dedicated to Brunello di Montalcino and to IGT Toscana enjoy a breath-taking panoramic view out over the sinuous hills of Montalcino as far as the massif of Monte Amiata. The final artistic touch is the picturesque grove of olive trees that yield the Giodo Toscano IGP olive oil.


Vine of life

Carlo Ferrini believes that a wine achieves true elegance only when all its components align in perfect harmony. To produce Brunello di Montalcino from his Giodo vineyards, he selected just the eight Sangiovese clones that had most impressed him over the years. He manages the vines with meticulous care, utilising sustainable practices whenever possible and exercising maximum quality-selection on the clusters.


Care and attention

Every single winemaking procedure is carried out with the utmost care. Once harvested, the Sangiovese clusters are hand-sorted before the pressed grapes go to the fermenters, which have been custom-designed to preserve all the grapes’ aromas. The freshly-made wines mature in large French oak casks and are tasted on a regular basis to ensure that they achieve the desired sensory excellence.


Giodo encapsulates above all my own history with Sangiovese, my first great love. Its name is a tribute to my parents, Giovanna and Donatello, to whom I owe everything.” Carlo Ferrini

Everything at Giodo is underpinned by the concept of uncompromising quality. The entire process takes its start from the selection of clones and vines that are ideal for producing wines that are elegant, well-balanced and with impressive length. Every decision, every individual detail, whether in the vineyard or the winecellar, is of the greatest importance and merits full and meticulous attention. Those small details are the indispensable tesserae that compose the mosaic that Carlo Ferrini’s experience and expertise makes absolutely unique, the creation that his extraordinary passion has successfully handed on to his daughter Bianca.

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