Our Clients
Kindred Vines works with some of the nation's best distributors to bring clients our one of a kind portfolio efficiently and effectively.

The Kindred Vines portfolio is currently distributed by 20 distributors across 18 states.
Our Portfolio is Carried by
Chain Retail
We represent high value brands with proven
chain-retail success in stores like Meijer, D&W, Whole Foods, and more.
Hotels & Banquet Halls
We are proud to say we have an excellent banquet portfolio of wines with great price to quality ratio perfect for any event.
From kegs to glass pours to bottle lists, our wines are poured in hundreds of restaurants throughout our distribution network.
Independent Stores
Our portfolio is present in hundreds of mom & pop shops around the country, ranging from corner bodegas to specialty stores.
Fine Dining
We represent many prestigious brands from winemakers like Laurence Feraud and Carlo Ferrini featured in fine dining throughout the country.
Wine Clubs, & More!
Our wines are featured in monthly wine clubs put on by stores, restaurants, online shops, and more!
join the kindred vines distributIon network
Looking for a new import partner? Look no further.
Trying to Locate a Wine?
As an import company, Kindred Vines cannot legally sell a consumer wine. However, we would be happy to help you locate a store near you where you can find your favorite bottle.
Retail Availability
Retail and Chain Restaurant buyers can view our portfolio via RangeMe, a central hub for suppliers, buyers, and service providers.