Honest & Soulful Wines

"The wines from Kindred Vines Import Company are honest and soulful, made by people who live and breathe the land of which they are from. Always showing terrific value, it's an absolute pleasure to work with such a diverse array of brands.

Travis Tache, Advanced Sommelier


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2023 Year End Letter

Kindred Vines Import Company had a very active year in 2023 growing our business throughout the US market. We engaged with our suppliers and distributors

Women In Wine

Women In Wine

This new series will showcase the key women in wine for Women’s History Month and National Women’s Day! The goal is to showcase the major

2021 Year End Letter from CEO Dan Glisky

Navigating through the impact of wine tariffs on prices and margins, the negative effects of the strengthening Euro on the same, and the targeted closures of restaurants and our beloved hospitality industry due to Covid certainly made for a year we are not soon to forget. It was a privilege to navigate the company through this challenging time and to know with full confidence that we are prepared for whatever comes at us next –obstacles and opportunities alike.

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